Ellie 6th May 2022

He spent months fighting with a brave smile on his face, Yet we knew his soul was jaded from the pain that he embraced. From fearful news days before the new year, All left in denial of what lay in black and white, No one could make it disappear, Though the thought of a healthier future we kept in sight. The humour that remained gave us hope, Leaving us with the stories you always told made us believe you’d always be there, Now we are left to retell the stories to try and keep your soul alive, The sound of your contagious laugh slowly being ripped from my care, Leaving my heart broken from trying to survive. From months of pain and misery, John lay with the new realities of life, Trying to turn the negatives into positives to suffocate the mystery, Making the ending of the story be left to be written in his afterlife. Now we are all left with a hole in our hearts, Trying to believe that we now live a life without his presence, Raising a glass to the times we had and the way he lived a carefree life as he sang to the songs in the charts, Johns now lay to rest where he can now be met with pleasance. This is a night flight … so goodnight Uncle John I hope you have a safe journey up to heaven and remember the love that will always remain for you down here. Love you in this life and the next!